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Tooth Decay

"Most parents know that they need to watch what their kids eat and make them brush regularly.  Unfortunately, many are not aware that letting kids sip on sugary drinks for hours or putting them to bed with a bottle of milk can be just as harmful, these habits can expose teeth to sugar for extended periods of time, increasing the risk of tooth decay."


While fluoridation and improved oral hygiene have resulted in fewer cavities in young children are on the rise, the only child and adolescent age group to exhibit increased tooth decay.


"Nutrition is a very important part of oral health, Parents should encourage their children to enjoy a balanced variety of foods. Optimize kids’ health with snacks that are high in whole grains, such as pita bread or baked tortilla chips, and which include some protein like bean dip, peanut butter or yogurt. Space snacks far enough between meals so children’s appetites aren’t spoiled. With snacks as with meals, limit your children’s intake of added sugars."


Kids Should Finish Sugary Foods and Drinks Right Away, Not Linger Healthy eating and drinking not only plays an integral role in overall health, it can have a profound impact on oral hygiene. To keep the frequency and duration of sugar exposure in check, we are offers these recommendations:


Fill sippy cups with water only. Children shouldn’t sip on sugary drinks or munch on sugary foods for extended periods of time. If you give your child beverages other than water, serve them in a can or glass and limit consumption time. If you do provide sugary drinks in sippy or other types of cups, instruct children to finish them quickly. Take away the cup after a reasonable amount of time.


Don’t let children go to sleep with bottles. Even milk can cause tooth decay. If you do put your child to sleep with a bottle, it should contain water only.

Limit candy. Sucking on candy is another way that kids can extend exposure to sugar. Limit sweets and the time it takes for kids to consume them, and make sure children brush afterward.


Brush after meals. Have your children maintain proper oral hygiene, including brushing after meals and snacks and daily flossing, to reduce the risk of cavities.


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